Corning Family Dental



COVID-19 Shutdown

During this unprecedented time Dr. Mike’s office was able to help and treat over 100 dental emergencies.

We look forward to providing routine and emergency care to our community as we re-open!

Checking in

Text our office at 607-962-0494 with your full name to let us know you have arrived

Please wait outside and enjoy the great view of the building and flowers as we get your room ready!

If you don’t have an vehicle or cell phone come in to the office with a face covering and we will get you seen as soon as possible.



Protective Equipment

Based on OSHA guidelines we have increased our personal protective equipment to help keep our staff and patients safe.

We have also added HEPA air filters with UV lights and are getting extra oral suction units to help remove aerosols during procedures.

Its a tough time for everyone, but we are committed to providing great oral to our community

We look forward to seeing you soon!